Using AI Prompts for Creating Courses: A Guide for Modern Educators

As AI continues to reshape various industries, its potential in course creation is becoming increasingly apparent. By harnessing AI prompts for creating courses, educators can streamline their workflow, enhance creativity, and develop more engaging and effective courses. 

This blog post will explore how teachers and instructional designers can leverage AI technology and prompts to revolutionize their course development process, saving time and resources while improving educational courses. 

From generating diverse content ideas to crafting personalized learning paths, AI prompts for creating courses offer a wealth of possibilities for course creators. As we delve into this topic, we’ll examine specific strategies and best practices along with prompt examples that educators can employ to make the most of AI in their course design journey. 

Understanding AI Prompts 

AI prompts are input provided to an AI system to generate relevant responses. These prompts can take various forms, such as text, images, or even audio, depending on the capabilities of the AI model in use. Essentially, a prompt serves as a starting point for the AI to generate a meaningful output. The quality and clarity of the AI prompt often determines the relevance and accuracy of the AI’s response. 

Types of AI Prompts

Types of AI Prompts 

  1. Text-Based Prompts: Text-based prompts involve using written language to instruct the AI. These are the most common type of AI prompts.  

Example: Asking AI to “define data analytics” or providing a question to the AI system for an answer. 

  1. Image-Based Prompts: In image-based prompts, an image is given to AI to generate a response based on the visual input. 

Example: “Describe this picture and its characters” 

  1. Audio-Based Prompts: This type of prompt involves sound clips or spoken language to instruct the AI system. 

Example: Asking questions like “How’s the weather today?” to your smartphone’s AI assistant  

  1. Multimodal Prompts: Some AI tools accept multiple types of inputs such as text, images, and audio to generate output. 

Example: Uploading a photo of a recipe and asking AI to write about detailed cooking instructions. 

AI prompts are a fundamental aspect of interacting with AI systems. They can take many forms, including text, images, and audio, each serving a unique purpose depending on the applications. Various tools like ChatGPT and Gemini utilize prompts to perform a wide range of tasks, from generating text to creating educational content. Understanding how to effectively use prompts can significantly enhance the effectiveness of AI technologies. 

Check Out, an AI-Powered LMS with Support for Multimodal Prompts 

Practical Applications of AI Prompts in Creating Courses 

1. Course Design and Development 

Content development and instructional design techniques are combined to design effective and engaging learning courses. 

Here is the prompt that you can use to design and develop the course:  

Prompt structure:  

Suggest course design for [Course Title] + [Target Audience] + [Learning Objective1, Learning Objective 2, Learning Objective 3,…., Learning Objective N] + [Key Topic 1, Key Topic 2, Key Topic 3,…., Key Topic N] 

Example: Suggest course design for Financial Literacy for class 10th and cover the concepts of money management and banking basics

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2. Generating Course Ideas 

One of the best ways to attract learners and increase user engagement is to develop unique and engaging course ideas. You can generate these ideas by entering the right prompt into your AI engine for the specific field or topic. 

Prompt Structure:  

  1. Generate [Number of Ideas] unique course ideas related to the field of [Subject Name]. The target audience is [Grade/Class].  Also, suggest [Additional Requirements] for each course. 

Example: Generate 10 unique course ideas related to Environmental Science. The target audience is students from class 9. Also, suggest Key Learning Objectives for each course. 

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  1. Generate course idea from the following YouTube video including a title, description, learning objectives, and an outline: 

[Video Title with (Link)] + [Description] 

Example: Generate a course idea from the following YouTube video including a title, description, learning objective, and an outline: 

[Personalized learning with Mera Tutor’s AI Chabot (] + [Discover how our innovative AI-based Learning Management System, complete with an AI Chatbot, revolutionizes your learning journey] 

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  1. Create course idea from the following blog post and its description: [Blog Title (link)] + [Description] 

Example: Create course idea from the following blog post and its description: 

[The Power of Adaptive Learning: Customizing Education for Success (Adaptive Learning in Education (] 

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3. Creating Course Outline 

Outlining the course structure is one of the essential steps in course creation. Defining topics, subtopics and their sequence is part of this process. To create the right course outline, the prompt given to AI must be appropriate. 

Prompt Structure

  1. Create a course outline for the [Subject Name] + [Target Audience] and [Learning Level] 

Example: Create a course outline for Mathematics for class 8 students’ intermediate level

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  1. Create a course outline using [Blog Title (Blog Link)] 

Example: Create course outline using [The Power of Adaptive Learning: Customizing Education for Success (Adaptive Learning in Education (

  1. Create a course outline using this [YouTube Video (Video link) and (Description)] 

Example: Create course outline using this [Personalized learning with Mera Tutor’s ( and (Discover how our innovative AI-based Learning Management System, complete with an AI Chatbot, revolutionizes your learning journey……)] 

Check this video Content Creation Made Easy with Prompt Genie 

4. Adding Content to Course Topics and Subtopics 

Doing this step right can lead to more than 80% completing of course creation process saving lots of time and efforts of content creators. You can use the following prompts for adding content in the topics and subtopics: 

Prompt structure: 

  1. Generate concept learning for [Topic/Subtopic Name] + [Target Audience] + [Additional Comments] 

Example: Generate concept learning for pronouns for Grade 8 of CBSE.  

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5. Integrating Multimedia and Retrieving Information 

The learner engagement of any course can simply increase by including multimedia elements. You can add images, infographics, videos, and audio clips to make your course more interesting. 

Prompt Structure: 

  1. Describe all the elements of this image and the information it is conveying [image] 

Example: Describe all the elements of this image and the information it is conveying  

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6. Creating Quizzes and Assignments 

Creating quizzes and assignments is a crucial part of the education process, and AI prompts for creating courses can significantly enhance this task. Leveraging AI, educators can generate engaging and effective assessments quickly and efficiently. Here’s how prompts can revolutionize quiz and assignment creation: 

Prompt Structure:  

  1. Generate quiz questions and answers with multiple options for [Topic Name] +[Grade] + [Board] 

Example: Generate quiz questions and answers with multiple options for History of Robotic Science for Grade 12 of CBSE

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Benefits of Using AI Prompts in Course Creation  

Benefits of Using AI Prompts for Creating Courses

1. Timesaving and Efficiency 

One of the most significant benefits of using AI prompts for creating courses is that a huge amount of time is saved. Creating courses using traditional methods involves extensive research, planning, and content development, which can take weeks and even months. AI can streamline this process by generating outlines, lesson plans, and even entire lectures in a fraction of the time. This allows educators to focus on other critical aspects of teaching, such as interacting with students and providing personalized support. Additionally, AI tools can automate repetitive tasks like grading and creating quizzes, further enhancing efficiency. 

2. Enhanced Creativity and Content Diversity 

AI prompts for creating courses can significantly boost creativity and content diversity in educational materials. By leveraging large datasets and sophisticated algorithms, AI can generate unique and innovative ideas that educators might not have considered. This can lead to more engaging and varied content, crucial for maintaining student interest and motivation. For example, AI can suggest different ways to present a concept, such as through interactive simulations, videos, or storytelling. This diversity in content delivery can cater to various learning styles, making education more inclusive and effective. 

3. Personalized Learning Experiences 

AI prompts for creating courses can be tailored to create personalized learning experiences for students. By analyzing student data, such as performance metrics and learning preferences, AI can generate customized content that meets the individual needs of each learner. This personalized approach can help address knowledge gaps, reinforce strengths, and provide targeted support where needed. For instance, if a student struggles with a particular topic, AI can suggest additional resources or alternative explanations to help them understand better. This level of personalization can lead to improved learning outcomes and a more satisfying educational experience. 

4. Access to Updated Information and Resources 

The rapid pace of knowledge expansion means that educational content can quickly become outdated. AI can help educators stay up to date by providing access to the latest information and resources. AI tools can scan and analyze recent publications, research papers, and online content to ensure that course materials are up to date. By incorporating the latest information, educators can ensure that their students are learning from the most relevant and accurate content, preparing them better for future challenges. 

How Mera Tutor Can Help Educators Simplify Course Creation Using AI? 

Mera Tutor simplifies course creation for educators using AI by automating lesson planning, generating diverse content, and providing real-time updates on the latest educational resources. Its AI-driven tools such as Prompt Genie, AI image Analyzer, and AI Chatbot for students personalize the experience, catering to individual student needs and enhancing engagement. By leveraging Mera Tutor, educators can save time on content creation, administrative tasks, focus on teaching, and access a wealth of innovative teaching materials. 


Leveraging AI prompts for creating courses offers a transformative approach to education. By streamlining course design, enhancing creativity, and personalizing learning experiences, AI enables educators to craft more effective and engaging content with great efficiency. This technology not only saves valuable time but also ensures access to up-to-date data and innovative teaching methods. Educators who embrace AI prompts for creating courses can better meet the diverse needs of their students, ultimately improving educational outcomes. 

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1. How do AI prompts save time in course creation?

AI prompts streamline the course creation process by automating tasks such as generating outlines, lesson plans, and content. This significantly reduces the time educators spend on research and planning, allowing them to focus more on teaching and interacting with students. 

2. Can AI prompts enhance creativity in educational content? 

Yes, AI prompts can boost creativity by providing unique and innovative content ideas that educators might not have considered.

3. How do AI prompts personalize learning experiences for students? 

AI prompts can analyze student data, such as performance metrics and learning preferences, to generate customized content tailored to each learner’s needs. This helps address individual knowledge gaps, reinforce strengths, and provide targeted support, leading to improved learning outcomes.