A Teacher’s Prompts Guide to ChatGPT

From its launch, ChatGPT has become increasingly relevant in the educational landscape. According to a recent study done by TCEA, educators using ChatGPT have reported saving an average of 20-30% of their time on non-teaching tasks such as content creation, answering student queries, and providing personalized feedback. A teacher’s prompts guide to ChatGPT will serve as an essential tool for teachers helping them develop appropriate prompts and tackling various challenges smartly. 

The ability of ChatGPT to simulate conversations, answer questions, generate content and assist in variety of tasks makes it highly usable and popular among all the sectors, not just education. All these features make it valuable for educators – and students as well. From providing explanations of complex concepts to offering creative ideas for projects, ChatGPT enhances the learning experience by making information more accessible and personalized. 

The best way to harness the full potential of ChatGPT is crafting effective prompts. A well-designed prompt directs the AI to produce relevant, coherent and accurate responses tailored to specific needs. Whether you are seeking detailed explanations, creative content, or instructional support, the quality of the prompt directly influences the output. Through this blog, we will help you understand: 

  • The importance of clear and concise prompts to maximize ChatGPT’s utility in educational setting. 
  • How to frame prompts that yield the best results. 
  • The Common challenges faced by educators and their solutions. 

Understanding ChatGPT Prompts 

A prompt is an instruction, or, usually, a text given to ChatGPT to elicit a response. The prompt serves as a guide that directs the AI on what information or type of response is desired. 

Type of Prompts and How ChatGPT Responds to Different Types of Prompts 

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Different Types of Prompts 
  1. Open-Ended Prompts: These prompts are broad and allow for a wide range of responses. 

Example: Explain the concept of democracy. 

ChatGPT Responds as: For such prompts, ChatGPT provides a broad, exploratory responses, covering multiple aspects of the topic. These responses are typically more extensive and can include examples, explanation or general overview. 

  1. Specific Prompts: These prompts are more focused and seek specific information or direct answers. 

Example: What are the main branches of the Indian Government? 

ChatGPT Responds as: ChatGPT delivers concise and direct answers for such prompts. AI focuses more on providing the most relevant and straightforward information. 

  1. Directive Prompts: These prompts ask the generative AI to perform tasks like writing an essay, summarizing an article or generating a list. 

Example: Write 300-word essay on Generative AI. 

ChatGPT Respond as: For such prompts, Chat GPT follows the instructions closely and generates a detailed response. 

  1. Comparative Prompts: These prompts ask AI to compare two or more items, concepts or viewpoints. 

Example: Compare predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics. 

ChatGPT Respond as: ChatGPT offers a balanced analysis, highlighting similarities and differences between the items or concepts in question. The response often includes structured paragraphs or lists to clearly present the comparative information. 

  1. Follow-Up Prompts: These prompts are used after an initial response to delve deeper to clarify a point. They help refine the AI response or provide more detailed information. 

Example: Can you explain that in simple words? 

ChatGPT Respond as: ChatGPT provides additional details or clarifications as requested on its previous response. This type of prompt allows for more dynamic interactions, where the AI can refine its answers based on new inputs or questions. 

  1. Reflective Prompts: These prompts encourage AI to provide insights, reflections or opinions on a given topic. 

Example: What are the ethical implications of using AI in education

ChatGPT Respond as: For such prompts, ChatGPT provides a thoughtful, interpretative response, often incorporating various viewpoints or considerations. The AI might include the potential impact of the hypothetical scenario, or moral and ethical discussion depending on the prompt. 

Crafting Effective ChatGPT Prompts 

To maximize the utility of ChatGPT in an educational setting, it is essential to craft effective prompts that yield accurate, relevant and insightful responses. Effective prompts are clear, specific and provide enough context to guide an AI. This section of a teacher’s prompts guide to ChatGPT will provide tips on making prompts clear and more specific, adding contextual information. 

Clarity and Specificity 

  • Be Direct: Use straightforward language to minimize ambiguity. Avoid vague words or phrases that could be interpreted in multiple ways. 
  • Define the Scope: Specify what aspect of a topic you want the AI to focus on. This helps narrow down the response and makes it more relevant. 
  • Include Key Details: Mention any specific details or elements you want to be included in the response. 
  • Use Specific Question Types: Decide if you want a descriptive answer, a list, a comparison, etc., and structure your prompt accordingly. 

Contextual Information 

  • State the Purpose: Mention why you need the information. This helps ChatGPT tailor its response to your needs. 
  • Specify the Audience: Indicate who the intended audience is to ensure the response is appropriately tailored. 
  • Add Background Information: Provide any relevant background information that might influence the type of response you need. 
  • Set Parameters: Define the length, depth, or style of the response to suit your needs better. 

Using ChatGPT for Different Teaching Tasks 

A teacher’s prompt guide to ChatGPT includes a specific process for teachers to create prompts appropriately and get the best response. 

Lesson Planning Prompts 

Purpose: To generate lesson plans, activity ideas, or educational resources. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Create a lesson plan for [subject/topic] for [grade level]. Include objectives, materials needed, and a detailed description of activities. 

Example: Create a lesson plan for photosynthesis for Grade 6 science. Include objectives, materials needed, and a detailed description of activities. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Suggest interactive activities for teaching [subject/topic] to [grade level] students. 

Example: Suggest interactive activities for teaching fractions to Grade 4 students. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Generate a list of discussion questions about [subject/topic] for a classroom debate. 

Example: Generate a list of discussion questions about climate change for a classroom debate. 

Explaining Complex Concepts 

Purpose: To simplify complex topics for better student understanding. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Explain [complex concept] in simple terms suitable for [grade level] students. 

Example: Explain the theory of relativity in simple terms suitable for high school students. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Provide a step-by-step explanation of [process or concept]. 

Example: Provide a step-by-step explanation of how the water cycle works. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Summarize [concept or topic] and give real-life examples to illustrate it. 

Example: Summarize the law of supply and demand and give real-life examples to illustrate it. 

Homework and Assignment Creation 

Purpose: To generate homework questions, project ideas, or assignments for students. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Create [number] of homework questions for [subject/topic] for [grade level]. Include different difficulty levels. 

Example: Create 5 homework questions for algebra for Grade 8. Include different difficulty levels. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Suggest a creative project idea for students to learn about [subject/topic]. 

Example: Suggest a creative project idea for students to learn about the solar system. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Design a worksheet with [number] questions about [subject/topic] for [grade level]. Include both multiple-choice and short-answer questions. 

Example: Design a worksheet with 10 questions about World War II for Grade 10. Include both multiple-choice and short-answer questions. 

Providing Feedback and Assessment 

Purpose: To help teachers give constructive feedback or assess student performance. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Provide constructive feedback for a student who has written an essay on [topic]. 

Example: Provide constructive feedback for a student who has written an essay on the causes of the American Revolution. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Create a rubric for assessing [type of assignment, e.g., a research project] in [subject]. Include the criteria for grading. 

Example: Create a rubric for assessing a research project in environmental science. Include the criteria for grading. 

  1. Prompt Structure: What are some common mistakes students make when learning [topic]? How can they be avoided? 

Example: What are some common mistakes students make when learning trigonometry? How can they be avoided? 

Creating Summaries 

Purpose: To provide concise overviews of complex topics or lengthy texts. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Summarize [chapter/topic] from [textbook/book] in [number] words. Focus on the main points and key details. 

Example: Summarize Chapter 4 of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ in 150 words. Focus on the main points and key details. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Provide a brief summary of [scientific/historical concept or event]. Include important dates, figures, and outcomes. 

Example: Provide a brief summary of the Industrial Revolution. Include important dates, figures, and outcomes. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Condense the following information on [topic] into a summary suitable for [grade level] students. 

Example: Condense the following information on the water cycle into a summary suitable for Grade 5 students. 

Generating Revision Notes 

Purpose: To create concise and focused notes that help students quickly recall information during revision sessions. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Create revision notes for [topic] that highlight the most important points, formulas, or definitions. 

Example: Create revision notes for quadratic equations that highlight the most important points, formulas, or definitions. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Write concise revision notes for [historical event or scientific concept] that a student can use to quickly review the material. 

Example: Write concise revision notes for the Treaty of Versailles that a student can use to quickly review the material. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Generate flashcard-style revision notes for [topic], including a question on one side and the answer on the other. 

Example: Generate flashcard-style revision notes for the periodic table, including a question about an element’s properties on one side and the answer on the other. 

Creating Concept Maps and Diagrams 

Purpose: To visually organize and represent knowledge for easier comprehension and retention. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Create a concept map outlining the key components of [topic]. Include connections between concepts. 

Example: Create a concept map outlining the key components of the digestive system. Include connections between organs and their functions. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Design a flowchart that explains the steps in [process or sequence]. Ensure clarity and simplicity for [grade level] students. 

Example: Design a flowchart that explains the steps in the scientific method. Ensure clarity and simplicity for Grade 7 students. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Provide a diagram with labels for [scientific concept or historical event] that can be used as a study tool. 

Example: Provide a diagram with labels for the water cycle that can be used as a study tool. 

Classroom Management and Student Engagement 

Purpose: To provide strategies for managing the classroom and engaging students. 

  1. Prompt Structure: Suggest strategies for managing a classroom with diverse learning needs during a lesson on [subject/topic]. 

Example: Suggest strategies for managing a classroom with diverse learning needs during a lesson on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet.’ 

  1. Prompt Structure: What are some effective icebreaker activities for the first day of [grade level] class? 

Example: What are some effective icebreaker activities for the first day of Grade 7 class? 

  1. Prompt Structure: How can I use technology to enhance student engagement in a [subject] lesson? 

Example: How can I use technology to enhance student engagement in a history lesson? 

Common Challenges and Solutions 

As it is a teacher’s prompt guide to ChatGPT, it is crucial to mention common challenges that teachers face such as misinterpretations, dealing with sensitive topics and multiple iterations for continuous improvement. Let’s look at these challenges and how teachers can overcome these challenges in detail. 

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Common Challenges and Solutions 

Avoiding Misinterpretations 

ChatGPT may sometimes misinterpret vague or poorly structured prompts, leading to ambiguous or irrelevant responses. 


  1. Be Specific and Clear: Use precise language and clearly state the desired outcomes. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that might confuse the AI. 
  1. Use Directives: Explicitly instruct ChatGPT on the format or structure you want. 
  1. Provide Context: Add contextual details to guide the AI toward a relevant response. 

Dealing with Sensitive Topics 

Discussing sensitive or controversial topics requires careful phrasing to ensure the conversation is appropriate, balanced, and respectful. 


  1. Set Clear Boundaries: Use prompts that clearly define the boundaries of what is appropriate to discuss in a classroom setting. 
  1. Request Multiple Perspectives: Encourage ChatGPT to provide balanced viewpoints to foster a more comprehensive understanding. 
  1. Focus on Facts and Understanding: Phrase prompts to emphasize objective information and factual understanding over opinions. 
  1. Use Age-Appropriate Languages: Ensure that the language used is suitable for the students’ age and maturity level. 

Iterating for Improvement 

The first attempts at a prompt may not always yield the desired results, necessitating iterations to refine the prompts for better clarity and relevance. 


  1. Start with a Basic Prompt and Refine: Begin with a general prompt and modify it based on the response. This approach allows you to fine-tune your prompts incrementally. 
  1. Analyze the Response: Evaluate the AI’s response to determine if it meets your expectations. If not, identify where it fell short and adjust the prompt accordingly. 
  1. Encourage Experimentation: Try different phrasings and structures in prompts to see what works best. This iterative process can help identify the most effective prompts for specific needs. 
  1. Request Clarification: If the response is vague or incomplete, use follow-up prompts to request more details. 


As educators continue to integrate AI tools like ChatGPT into their teaching practices, the potential to enhance student learning becomes increasingly evident. This guide has explored how effective prompt crafting can significantly elevate the quality of interactions with ChatGPT, making it a powerful ally in education. By understanding and applying clear, specific, and contextual prompts, teachers can harness ChatGPT’s capabilities to streamline lesson planning, generate engaging content, and provide tailored feedback. 

Through careful prompt design, educators can overcome common challenges such as misinterpretations, navigating sensitive topics, and refining responses to better meet their needs. As technology evolves, so does the opportunity for educators to innovate and adapt, ensuring that their teaching remains dynamic and responsive. 

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1. How do I get started with using ChatGPT in my classroom? 

Begin by defining your objectives and crafting specific prompts that align with your educational goals. Experiment with different types of prompts to see what works best for your needs. 

2. How can I ensure ChatGPT handles sensitive topics appropriately? 

Frame your prompts to focus on factual and balanced information. Set clear boundaries and use age-appropriate language to guide the AI’s responses. 

3. Can ChatGPT assist with creating interactive activities for students? 

Yes, by providing clear instructions in your prompts, ChatGPT can generate ideas for interactive activities and projects tailored to various subjects and grade levels. 

4. What are the best practices for refining prompts over time? 

Continuously evaluate the AI’s responses and adjust your prompts based on what works best. Encourage experimentation and use follow-up prompts to achieve precise and relevant results.